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Sunbeam Children Fundraising


Amy, then 8 years old, was admitted into Sunbeam Place (SBP) in August 2015, unkempt and listless.

Her father was the sole breadwinner of the family and had to work both day and night shifts as a security guard. Her mother was of low IQ and suffers from the “Lack of Insight” (a medical condition). These challenged her parenting ability. She moonlighted in the red-light district; and Amy accompanied her during the wee hours!!

Amy was often found unkempt for school, tired and listless during lesson time. In early 2015, she was referred to the school counsellor. The counsellor was shocked when Amy detailed her daily routine with her mother, which involved witnessing sexual activities and violence between her mother and her boyfriend. Amy was also sexually abused.

Two months after Amy’s admission to SBP, a psychologist was appointed to help Amy deal with her traumatic past. After one and a half years of intensive psychological help, Amy successfully completed her therapy sessions and is now no longer frightened by the flashbacks.

It was subsequently found that Amy’s low IQ was the major contribution to her poor academic grades. Arrangement was made for her to be transferred to a School for Special Needs. She then flourished in school and enjoyed the lessons that were tailored to her needs.

Unfortunately, in February 2018 and November 2018, Amy had to grapple with griefs from the losses of her father and mother to cancer respectively. Her parents left their last wishes with SBP for Amy to continue her stay in the Home and hope that she would continue to grow up happily and learn some life skills before she turns 21 years old.


Lack of Insight is a symptom of severe mental illness experienced by some that impairs a person's ability to understand and perceive his or her illness. It is the single largest reason why people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder refuse medications or do not seek treatment.


Since 2006, through your generosity, we have donated a total of $697,970, showing our commitment to the education of about 70 children at Sunbeam Place.

Sunbeam Donation is our commitment to a group of children that for some reasons (through no fault of theirs), are not able to stay with their families. Sunbeam Place then becomes their home.

Every festive season, while we enjoy the presence of our happy family, we share with our children that there is a group of less fortunate kids yearning for what they (our children) take for granted.

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Thank you everyone!



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