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Pilot Peer Support for Stress Management


Dear fellow pilots,

Follow on to our earlier newsletter article on "Stressors Faced By Pilots", this month we would like to present an infographic on "Stress Management For Pilots".

As we all know, stress is a product of the perceived demands exceeding the individual's perceived ability to respond. From Human Factors studies, we also know that stress predisposes us to making errors. Understanding what makes us vulnerable to stress and the self-awareness of our resilience level is a good practice as the first step towards stress management. Most importantly, peer support provided by PAG is available to those of us who need it.

You might like to try this assessment to know your resistance score.

Also, we wish to introduce the FINE checklist if you are wondering when you or someone you know should contact PAG. You might have seen it on the ALPA-S website PAG page where we ask that if you are experiencing any of the FINE symptoms, consider having a chat with our PAG peer supporter. FINE is an acronym which stands for Family and Friends, Intoxication, Negativity and Emptiness. Allow us to elaborate.

Lastly, thank you for participating in our recent survey. Your response was invaluable to us and very much appreciated. If you have any other feedback or wish to get in touch, PAG is contactable 24/7 at 9-CALL-PAG (9-2255-724).

Take Care, Stay Safe

PAG Peer Supporters

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