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PAG Newsletter - Jun 2020


Dear fellow Pilots,

Post circuit-breaker is something which we have been eagerly looking forward to, with hopes of many green lanes to be established with cities for us to fly to. Some of us have not flown much lately and some of us may not have flights for a while more, but do not despair as things will improve through humanity’s perseverance and resolve.

We would like to share a light refresher on the topic of stress because the awareness of what stressors can do to us pilots in the flight deck are paramount. Try to take note of what your triggers are so you can prevent them from manifesting into poor decisions and health deterioration. Take necessary actions before that festers or causes further strain. COVID-19 virus is still existent and that has also become a new source of stress.

Please click here for the article.

If you are looking to speak to someone about your difficulties or simply seeking a listening ear, peer supporters are available 24/7 at 9-2255-724 (9-CALL-PAG).

Stay positive. Be resilient.

PAG - Pilots Advisory Group



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