Here are some words of reflection shared by the medical professionals. We hope you will find them useful as you go about adapting to the new-norm and way of life as our nation and company combat this epidemic together. Have a good #StayHome read.
“Finding meaning in this collective sense of loss we are all experiencing.
Loss of our old way of life, loss of our ability to move about freely, loss of unrestricted social interaction, and other types of loss peculiar to each of us.
How do we find meaning? Practising mindfulness is one approach by focusing on the present (yes, cherishing now not lamenting about the past or worrying about the future!!). Focus on your breathing...Feeling great that you are still healthy and alive. Focus on the current activity you are doing and enjoy it. Focus on the surrounding (be it the flowers, food, book, TV etc). Focus on connecting with those at home (with proper social distancing). Focus on optimal protection (e.g. social distancing, selective (mindful) masking) and not over-reaction (eg. buy and keep for a few days but not panic hoarding, NTUC has promised to keep supplies coming).
Keep finding meaning in this collective loss. You may end up at the end of this dismal tunnel more enlightened with a renewed approach to life. Stay mindful.”
- Dr Ang Yong Guan
Consultant Psychiatrist, Ang Yong Guan Psychiatry
Former SAF Psychiatrist, SAF Military Medical Institute
“The current covid-19 situation has given me the opportunity to do some reflections. I think this crisis reminds me that everything that I have in this life is a privilege not to be taken for granted. Even air! The oxygen that I breathe in is God-given and cannot be taken for granted. I don't need to be intubated to know this.
Secondly, every crisis is also an opportunity. Already, we can see so many good things coming out of this crisis around the world e.g. no pollution, traffic jam, etc., extraordinary acts of kindness and courage, and so on. For me, personally, it's an opportune time to reflect on my life, my many shortcomings, sinfulness and failures. I am resolved to be a better person!
Thirdly, a crisis brings out the best and the worst in people. We read about many examples of both in the papers. But what about me? I have a choice. I choose the former! Finally, we are powerless and helpless on our own. In a situation like this, I will surrender myself to God and pray for His mercy and grace to see us through this difficult time.
Finally, although I've always treasured my family and friends, this crisis affirms my belief that a family's love can never be replicated. It also helps me to know who my real friends are, and that friendship is priceless.”
- Dr Francis Heng
ALPA-S PAG Panel Advisor
Former Director/Clinical Advisor of SAF Counselling Centre
In a nutshell, this is a tough time for everyone, but we believe that it is important to:
• Focus on the present
• Take this period to self-reflect
• Persevere and display resilience in this time of uncertainty
If you need to contact PAG, feel free to WhatsApp or call the hotline 1800-9-2255-724 (9-CALL-PAG). For other helplines and resources on mental health, you may also visit http://www.alpas.org/pag
How to manage the different emotions felt because of #covid19 and #circuitbreaker, you might be interested to learn from Dr Laurie Santos of Yale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7RBOzQxveo
Also, good tips on battling stress and anxiety caused by #covid19: https://www.gov.sg/article/tips-for-battling-stress-and-anxiety-during-covid-19
Stay occupied. Stay healthy. Pilots Advisory Group