Dear fellow pilots,
It has been a sombre week, beset by a roller-coaster of emotions. We hope you had a restful weekend.
The 2nd Changi Aviation Medicine Symposium will be held on Sep 30 (Wed) at 3.30pm - 5pm. Our PAG Chairman, Captain Tan Boon Chin, is one of the speakers and he will be presenting "The Impact of COVID-19: The Pilots' Perspective".
"The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented and widespread change to the aviation industry. To support aviators amid these challenging times, the Changi Aviation Medicine Centre (CAMC) and the Civil Aviation Medical Board (CAMB) have jointly brought together a line-up of medical experts and experienced aviation professionals to provide perspectives and practical tips to our pilot community."
Please click below to register.
Hopefully everyone has managed to keep well throughout this difficult period. At the same time, let us also look out for our friends and colleagues who were impacted by the retrenchment exercise. If you need to contact PAG, we are available 24/7 at 9-2255-724 (9-CALL-PAG) or visit http://www.alpas.org/pag for more mental wellness and counselling resources.
Be Strong. Stay Positive.
PAG Peer Supporters