“COVID-19 makes its own rules. How do we cope with the uncertainty and help others around us? In this special 5-episode COVID-edition of Heart to Heart, we hear from healthcare professionals of three different specialisations:
Infectious disease specialist, Dr Leong Hoe Nam, who has first-hand experience in tackling the SARS and H1N1 pandemic outbreak shares what to expect in the near-term, and what he thinks a unified and coherent response might look like.
Psychologist Dr Danny Ng, who talks about the important topic of dealing with anxiety. Spending extended periods in a confined space can be stressful even if we are surrounded by our loved ones.
Primary care physician, poet and mother, Dr Ann Toh shares the struggle to maintain the delicate balance between work and other roles, and reads us poems she wrote as a tribute to those who are at the frontlines of this COVID-19 pandemic.
Hosted by Dr Deirdre Murugasu (Dr Dee), “Heart-to-Heart Discussion” is a series of videos featuring experts speaking about various themes relating to health, wellness and environmental issues. This is an initiative by World Health Alliance, a non-profit organisation that seeks to improve access to healthcare services and knowledge within the international community.”
In Episode 1, we hear bite-sized thoughts from the healthcare professionals.
In Episode 2, we look to East Asia for lessons in approaching infectious diseases, explore how we can reprioritise and manage our personal priorities and values in the face of the crisis, and pay a tribute to the Emergency Department Personnel.
In Episode 3, we provide practical tips on how to use a face mask, the silver linings we can glean from this experience & more!
In Episode 4, we look at the importance of lockdowns and circuit breakers, psychological support of health care workers, and how we can help other countries.
In the final Episode 5, it sums up some final thoughts from our three healthcare professionals. It covers how Singapore can help our neighbouring countries, how we can provide encouragement to our leaders, and a rallying cry for people to ‘reach out’.
We hope you will find these clips informative and meaningful. Dr Danny Ng is also one of our panel advisors who has served many years in PAG.
#Circuitbreaker may have limited our freedom but it hasn’t diminished our resolve. Hang in there, we will get through this together.
Keep safe and be well,
Pilots Advisory Group (PAG)